Habit of betta fish Betta fish, although they are highly fighters and may appear fierce, But all of them do it to protect their own territory. For own safety But that’s not really the Habit of betta fish. Betta is an aggressive fish with the betta fish. But not fierce with other fish species Female has a peaceful habit. Can be put together more than one. The fierce male must be should be separately. In normal conditions, swimming with a normal posture Fins wrapped like regular fish But as soon as he saw the same betta fish Go to dance around And find an immediate attack on the opponent Habit of betta fish The personality traits of each fighting fish are really different. If you are someone who has raised many bettas, you will know this. Some bettas have playful personalities. Some of them have lazy habits. Some have a curious nature. Swim around and observe every spot in the fish aquarium tank. All of which may affect the entire siamese fighting fish. But let’s talk about betta fish that have lazy habits. A big problem that can lead to other diseases. betta with a lazy personality From observing more than 10,000 lives from the Nice Betta Thailand farm. It is clear that more than 80% of these types of fighting fish have other diseases and are more easily sick than fighting fish with other habits. Both in terms of a digestive system that doesn’t work well enough, resulting in Dropsy or other illnesses that shouldn’t happen. The current solution we use is to add a mirror so that the fish can see their own reflection. Let him move his body. Extend his tail fins to give him some exercise. This is a good method that can be used with fish with other temperaments as well. In addition to making the fish healthy It also helps make the straight tail fin even more strong.

Habit of betta fish
Betta fish, although they are highly fighters and may appear fierce, But all of them do it to protect their own territory. For own safety But that’s not really the Habit of betta fish.

Betta is an aggressive fish with the betta fish. But not fierce with other fish species Female has a peaceful habit. Can be put together more than one. The fierce male must be should be separately. In normal conditions, swimming with a normal posture Fins wrapped like regular fish But as soon as he saw the same betta fish Go to dance around And find an immediate attack on the opponent

Habit of betta fish
The personality traits of each fighting fish are really different. If you are someone who has raised many bettas, you will know this. Some bettas have playful personalities. Some of them have lazy habits. Some have a curious nature. Swim around and observe every spot in the fish aquarium tank. All of which may affect the entire siamese fighting fish.

But let’s talk about betta fish that have lazy habits. A big problem that can lead to other diseases.
betta with a lazy personality From observing more than 10,000 lives from the Nice Betta Thailand farm. It is clear that more than 80% of these types of fighting fish have other diseases and are more easily sick than fighting fish with other habits. Both in terms of a digestive system that doesn’t work well enough, resulting in Dropsy or other illnesses that shouldn’t happen.

The current solution we use is to add a mirror so that the fish can see their own reflection. Let him move his body. Extend his tail fins to give him some exercise. This is a good method that can be used with fish with other temperaments as well. In addition to making the fish healthy It also helps make the straight tail fin even more strong.