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A Beginners Guide to Setting up a Betta Fish Tank Setting up your first betta fish tank can be somewhat intimidating, but it shouldn’t be scary! In fact, it is good if you do feel a little worried, it proves you care and want to learn. This post will cover important steps you should take in order to create the perfect setting for a betta fish tank, it will state the importance of water cycling and give you tips for taking care of your new fish. Getting the perfect set up The tank have you chosen your bettas home yet? We have selected and reviewed some of our favorite betta fish tanks in this guide. Here are a few tips on choosing your own… We recommend 5 gallon (20 – 25 litre tank) or more, this will ensure you have the healthiest and happiest betta fish – which is what having a pet is all about. Another tip is that is is also good to have an aquarium that is longer than high. This isn’t too important but if we were to think of the betta fish’s natural environment – shallow streams – you will see that water depth isn’t too important but longer horizontally swim areas would be of benefit. Position the tank where there is no direct sunlight, but still remains open and visible. Bettas like attention and don’t like dark corners of the room. Do I need a filter for my betta fish? A filter is a must to help keep the water cleaner for longer. However betta fish do not like strong flowing water / currents. So what is recommended is a gentle aquarium filter, or one that has an adjustable flow. The filter will keep the water clean and healthy for the fish. The filter should have a manual that shows you how to set it up. After adding it to the aquarium make sure that it works and hopefully it won’t be creating too strong of a current. If you think the filter is too strong and your filter isn’t adjustable you could create a baffle from an inexpensive tank divider or make sure there are a few plants in the way to break the current. Does a betta fish need a heater? Betta fish are from tropical waters. The water temperature they like is around 77 – 80 degree Fahrenheit. This means that in most countries, yes you should have a heater on your tank. It is important to keep temperatures at a constant. Fluctuations can be dangerous to your fish’s health. This is the job of the aquarium heater, it includes a thermostat ensuring a constant correct temperature even if the temperature in your house goes up and down. We have reviewed some ideal aquarium heaters and produced a guide here. On very small tanks having a heater can be dangerous to the fish’s health due to the temperature of the water warming and cooling too fast. (But we know that betta fish should not be kept in small tanks anyways. ) Beginner betta fish tip: When using large gravel uneaten pieces of betta fish food fall and place themselves down the gaps of the pieces of gravel. This is hard to clean and leads to dirty water. Smaller finer gravel will help combat this. If you want to use live plants you may have to look into the substrate so that the plants can grow and flourish. Before adding any live plants it is advisable to half fill your tank with water as it helps you to place the plants. Live plants are recommended. Check out our guide for more detailed information on how to add live plants to your aquarium – this offers step by step instructions. Adding some decorations This is a great step! ? Now it is time to make the betta fish aquarium that you have set up look great and be a fun home for your fish buddy. Add some fun aquarium decorations or maybe create a themed tank with the use of some ornaments – there are unlimited possibilities. It is always good to think of whose home it is and cater for their needs though. Betta fish love little hidey holes, nooks and crannys to swim to and from. The traditional and iconic aquarium castle actually makes a great feature to the betta fish tank – and they love hiding in them. Or how about a SpongeBob themed Aquarium? A few things to avoid – Plant pots – there has been a small craze of putting terracotta plant pots in fish tanks. This has led to many fish injuries! The drainage hole of a terracotta plant pot has very sharp edges, and fish (especially betta fish) swim quickly through this hole which can lead to huge and deep grazes. Sharp fake plants – quite often fake aquarium plants are made of plastic. If you buy plastic plants make sure that the leaves do not have sharp edges. Betta fish fins are very delicate; any sharp edges can easily tear a betta fish fin. (Keep this in mind for all your decorations). Don’t put your betta fish in the tank yet… So your tank set up is ready and the decorations look great but the water conditions aren’t quite there yet. PH – an ideal PH is 7 Temperature – 77 – 80 degrees Fahrenheit Ammonia – should be 0 Nitrite – should be 0 A fishless cycle is what is required next. Without a fishless cycle your betta could experience ‘new tank syndrome’ – it can kill fish. Basically what this cycle does is build up beneficial bacteria in the tank / filter. These beneficial bacteria are used in the tank to break down harmful fish waste (ammonia) into a less toxic form, first to nitrite and then down to nitrate. Once this cycle is established your tank should stay at a steady Ammonia reading of 0 and Nitrite reading of 0. A lot can be written on this subject and it’s a whole other blog post but it is important to know! That’s why I have to point you towards another page on the web that says it all. (Yes, I’m pointing you away from my site. Not many other bloggers would do that, but this is a great page that includes a calculator). And now you have set up a betta fish tank! It’s time to choose your new betta fish from the local pet store and add it to the newly setup aquarium. If the aquarium you have chosen is larger than 5 gallons you may also be able to add a tank mate or two, however there are a few things you should know… Firstly, add fish slowly to the newly set up aquarium (not numerous fish in one day), this links back to the nitrogen cycle. Secondly, betta fish have another name that you may be aware of, Siamese fighting fish, they get this name for their aggressive and territorial nature. It is important to know what fish can live with bettas, this blog post will go through the details, but in summary no two betta fish should live together, you should avoid colorful fish with flowing fins and your tank needs 5 gallons of personal space for your betta fish. And remember, please don’t use tiny tanks or vases – the water gets dirty / poisonous fast and limiting the movement of the fish is unhealthy and just plain cruel. Yes, betta fish have evolved to survive in small areas of water for periods of time before finding their way back to a stream but the keyword there is survive – they are not happy or healthy, that isn’t a life! Hope you now have your betta tank set up perfectly with many happy years of friendship ahead of you :). Leave a comment describing your betta fish tank or even better a picture or video and let me know what you thought of the article – or if you would like to add to it.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
Butterfly betta fish or pattern betta fish are a stunning variety of betta fish known for their the colors on the tail fins, which are clearly contrasting in layers and it is most commonly used in betta competition. These fish are native to Southeast Asia (Thailand) and are popular among aquarium hobbyists due to their unique appearance and relatively easy care requirements. Butterfly betta fish are known for their velvety many coloration layer, which can range from a Blue butterfly, Red Butterfly, Mustard Butterfly, Black butterfly, Gold Butterfly and Copper Butterfly. They also have long, flowing fins that resemble an butterfly ETC, hence their name. These fish are generally peaceful and can be kept in a community tank with other non-aggressive fish, as long as they have enough space to swim and hide. However, it’s important to remember that betta fish are territorial and may become aggressive towards other male betta fish, so it’s best to keep them in a single-species tank or with other non-aggressive fish. There are currently several different types of Butterfly betta fish choose to buy according to your preference, but if you are looking for high quality suitable for competitions, here at Nice Betta Thailand betta fish shop, you have come to the right place. Breeding butterfly Bettas can be an exciting endeavor for experienced aquarists. The breeding process typically involves a courtship display where the blue male will build a bubble nest and entice the blue female to spawn. After fertilization, the male takes responsibility for caring for the eggs until they hatch, which usually occurs within 24 to 48 hours. Read more about : How to breeding betta fish In conclusion, the butterfly betta fish is a beautiful because have pattern too when placed in a tank with real plant, the butterfly betta looks even more fascinating, like a butterfly moving around inside your tank and will more good if you add leave plant to the tank. The butterfly betta pattern colors available today and their behavior is no different from other Bettas. They can be easily kept by both novice and experienced fishkeepers, whether as a solo or as part of a carefully selected aquarium community. The Butterfly Betta can bring joy and excitement to any aquatic environment. Proper care, attention and understanding of the fish’s behavior are essential to ensure that the butterfly Betta is healthy and thrives. Nice Betta Thailand is the best place to find butterfly bettas or rare bettas and good genetic gurantee from biggest competition with IBC standard our farm are top 3 every years.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
MYTHS AND THE TRUTH ABOUT BETTA CARE Myth betta care : Bettas can live in tiny bowls. People think “In pet stores they keep bettas in tiny containers… the bowl I am getting is a castle compared to that. My betta fish will be so happy.” OR “In any case, bettas live in small stagnant pools in the wild and, therefore, it is perfectly appropriate to put them in tiny bowls/tanks.” Unfortunately, these are not a good suppositions. The Truth The small containers bettas are kept in the stores are chock full of chemicals to keep bacteria, fungus and parasites at bay. They are unhealthy places for any fish to be in, and they are not meant to be long term homes. Bettas do live in shallow pools in rice fields in Thailand. But, these puddles are interconnected And can extend for miles. If the puddle the betta is in gets stagnant, the betta has the ability to (and they do indeed) swim to another puddle or, if it is the dry season, jump up to 6 inches into another pool (or even from puddle to puddle until they reach one that has appropriate parameters). In addition, the water they are in is continually refreshed with rainwater and decaying matter. In an aquarium, they are stuck and it is up to us to refresh the water and keep their tanks clean and non-toxic through routine partial water changes. The minimum size tank that you should keep a betta in is 3 gallons. 5-10 gallons is ideal. The smaller the tank the more you have to work on upkeep.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
How to Train Betta Fish. Yes, It Can Be Done Tip to train betta fish. Easy step by step learning how to train and play with your betta fish. To make your betta fish respond better suitable for competition bettas or exercise games between each other. Practice train betta fish Training betta fish. Playing with betta fish is not only fun for you or preparing your betta for the competition. It also makes your fighting fish more healthy. Exercise for fighting fish is therefore important. Reduces various problems of fighting fish such as Dropsy and lazy fighting fish symptoms.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
All of Betta Fish A Guide on Patterns, Color in the world Betta Fish are among the most popular freshwater fish around the world. They are so well loved due to the many different shapes and colors which they can be said is King of beautiful fish. There are so many variations that Betta Fish are usually classified by their colors, patterns and tail type. Their aggressive behavior is often off putting for newcomers to the hobby and they are more beauty when they aggressive. However if properly fed and cared for, you shouldn’t have any problems. Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are very common with beginner aquarists. They are small and colorful fish with striking personalities. They have been cross bred and develop over years creating the most amazing colorations and tail variations. They do not require a lot of maintenance just good water temperature and food and their physiology and behavior is quite captivating and amazing. Betta fish colors Now, you can see that the color has evolved dramatically. Let’s see how How any betta farms did the betta fish develop their color and what color come to show in the world? This is example all bettas color breeding by Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD and some of rare betta fish color in this moment 2024 and some betta colors have become extinct as well.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
High quality Betta Fish Gold 24K Dragon OHM for sale aquatic life readily available for your freshwater exotic betta fish aquarium. Any top quality bettas by Nice Betta Thailand international farm. We shipping worldwide safe for fish and take care fish import service via partner trans shipper and also available shipping direct to Airport in your country.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
Blue betta fish or solid blue and Royal blue super blue are a stunning variety of betta fish known for their deep blue and metallic scales flowing fins. These fish are native to Southeast Asia (Thailand) and are popular among aquarium hobbyists due to their unique appearance and relatively easy care requirements. Blue betta fish are known for their velvety blue coloration, which can range from a deep, dark blue to a lighter, almost blue-metallic shade. They also have long, flowing fins that resemble an fariy, hence their name. These fish are generally peaceful and can be kept in a community tank with other non-aggressive fish, as long as they have enough space to swim and hide. However, it’s important to remember that betta fish are territorial and may become aggressive towards other male betta fish, so it’s best to keep them in a single-species tank or with other non-aggressive fish. There are currently several different types of Blue betta fish available today, but if we cut out using the various strain names of many different breeders, we are left with the most popular: Breeding Blue betta fish Breeding blue Bettas can be an exciting endeavor for experienced aquarists. The breeding process typically involves a courtship display where the blue male will build a bubble nest and entice the blue female to spawn. After fertilization, the male takes responsibility for caring for the eggs until they hatch, which usually occurs within 24 to 48 hours.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
Champions Bloodline Black Betta Fish. Black betta fish solid black or supoer black are a stunning variety of betta fish known for their deep black coloration and long, flowing fins. These fish are native to Southeast Asia (Thailand) and are popular among aquarium hobbyists due to their unique appearance and relatively easy care requirements. Black orchid betta fish are known for their velvety black coloration, which can range from a deep, dark black to a lighter, almost blue-black shade. They also have long, flowing fins that resemble an orchid flower, hence their name. These fish are generally peaceful and can be kept in a community tank with other non-aggressive fish, as long as they have enough space to swim and hide. However, it’s important to remember that betta fish are territorial and may become aggressive towards other male betta fish, so it’s best to keep them in a single-species tank or with other non-aggressive fish. In conclusion, the black betta fish is a beautiful too when placed in a bright tank, the black betta looks even more fascinating, like a black hole moving around inside your tank. The black betta colors available today and their behavior is no different from other Bettas. They can be easily kept by both novice and experienced fishkeepers, whether as a solo or as part of a carefully selected aquarium community. The black Betta can bring joy and excitement to any aquatic environment. Proper care, attention and understanding of the fish’s behavior are essential to ensure that the armageddon Betta is healthy and thrives.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
Betta Fish Life Expectancy. When you purchase a Betta fish in the pet store are typically four months old. This is when their fins and color are at full blast. If you purchase a healthy Betta, the typical Betta fish life expectancy is at least two years, but many often live onto 5 years. How long do Betta fish live? With extra special betta care and attention, it is not usually for Betta’s to reach eight years of age! There are several things you can do to extend Siamese fighting fish life expectancy. Air Filtration Because Betta’s can breathe oxygen in the water and the air, filtration systems are often considered unnecessary for your Betta’s aquarium. To increase your Betta’s life expectancy, air filtration is very important. An air filtration system will remove waste and add more oxygen to the water so your Betta does not have to work as hard for air. Clean Water Keeping your tank clean and your water fresh is the single most important aspect in having a long Betta fish life expectancy. Each time you go without cleaning your tank when needed, it lowers your Betta’s immune system and can lead to disease and illness. Just like humans develop health problems in polluted environments, so do Bettas. A good rule of thumb is to change the water tank every two days per gallon of water. For example, change a one-gallon aquarium every two days, a two gallon aquarium every four days, etc.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
Trick of preparing betta fish for competition Betta fish contestants, preparing for betta fish is important. Let’s see what all the steps are. Learning teach your betta fish for competition step by step. 9 step prepare your betta fish for competition Study the standards clearly in both Thai and foreign work. In each model, try to travel, study and learn from the contest frequently. Watch and observe the fish that won the prize in the standard competition. Change the water to absorb water for 2-3 days / 1 time 50-70% new water change / dozen After 2-3 days before the race I will change 100% water, making fish familiar with new water in the contest. Open for fish dance and move morning and evening 15-20 minutes + breakfast – dinner Get the fish that will be waiting for the contest to get the lights to be familiar to the fish will not stress and in the contest. Send an inflatable couple who is not hoping or hoping to get to the left and right for the character that we hope to be beautiful Making the body that we hope to swim beautiful, standing well, because of the habit of inflating fish together Try to move and move the square before the actual contest. Trying to make the inflatable fish fight with all colors, all types will not be shocked easily, do not remove the color when the director lifts the square Practice to the fish to fight with the pen . Because one thing that is the weapon on the body of the director is “pen” The charm of betta fish is to inflate. If the fish is beautiful, but not inflated, try to put with the female, the smaller male Or change the inflatable Do whatever it takes to inflate To get the fish to compete for me If the fish is not inflated, I will not choose to go. Because of the opportunity to be brought to the finalists There is very little. If you are looking for competition-grade and prepared captive bettas, we recommend that you purchase them here : Competition grade betta fish
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
Avatar betta fish Avatar betta fish, also known as the color Dark betta fish Blue Avatar or Blue Black star Avatar and news more colors is Copper avatar that many of you probably already know. With unique characteristics and characteristics Shine in the dark Shiny green The shiny black and silver contrasts with the black, which attracts the eyes of the Betta lover., Avatar betta fish are a popular variety of betta fish known for their unique and attractive tail fin. These fish are native to Southeast Asia and are often kept as pets due to their bright colors and relatively easy care requirements. Avatar betta fish are known for their long, flowing fins that resemble a crown, hence their name. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, including red, blue, purple, green, and more. These fish are generally peaceful and can be kept in a community tank with other non-aggressive fish, as long as they have enough space to swim and hide. However, it’s important to remember that betta fish are territorial and may become aggressive towards other male betta fish, so it’s best to keep them in a single-species tank or with other non-aggressive fish. Breeding avatar betta fish Breeding avatar Bettas can be an exciting endeavor for experienced aquarists. The breeding process typically involves a courtship display where the male will build a bubble nest and entice the female to spawn. After fertilization, the male takes responsibility for caring for the eggs until they hatch, which usually occurs within 24 to 48 hours. Conclusion avatar betta fish In conclusion, the avatar betta fish is a beautiful and unique fish that offers both fascinating aesthetics. The colors mostly dark with blue or copper mixed like galaxy or avatar theme are more widely available today and their behavior is no different from other Bettas. They can be easily kept by both novice and experienced fishkeepers, whether as a solo or as part of a carefully selected aquarium community. The armageddon Betta can bring joy and excitement to any aquatic environment. Proper care, attention and understanding of the fish’s behavior are essential to ensure that the armageddon Betta is healthy and thrives.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
Betta Buzz Fish High Quality And Premium Grade We’re Thailand’s premier siamese fighting fish breeders, specializing in exquisite, top-quality siamese fighting fish. Our dedication to perfection guarantees you’ll find the most beautiful and healthy Betta specimens in Thailand. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced enthusiast, trust us for the finest siamese fighting fish. Join us to experience the elegance and allure these aquatic treasures bring to your aquarium.
Betta Buzz
Armageddon betta fish some are called Vanda betta they are one of unique betta different from other and beautiful and vibrant variety of betta fish known for their unique colors orange, yellow, white or gold and other mixed with red spot or red dot. These fish are native to Southeast Asia (Thailand) and are often kept as pets due to their relatively easy care requirements and beautiful appearance. Armageddon betta fish now easy to find. But not many perfect with Red spot. Nice Betta Thailand we have best genetic of armageddon with strong red spot. This type when they more older more red spot and more strong color. They also have long, flowing fins that can vary in size and shape depending on the specific variety. Armageddon betta fish are generally peaceful and can be kept in a community tank with other non-aggressive fish, as long as they have enough space to swim and hide. However, it’s important to remember that betta fish are territorial and may become aggressive towards other male betta fish, so it’s best to keep them in a single-species tank or with other non-aggressive fish. If you’re looking to add a pop of color and vibrancy to your aquarium, a rare betta fish might be the perfect choice. Just make sure to research their care requirements and make sure you have the necessary equipment and supplies before bringing one home.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
Good container for betta fish is important for fish bite easily for take care and use less space. Therefore, Siamese fighting fish breeding or betta farm is a hobby. Therefore can do all parts of the house Just get clean water with a little acidity. The area is well-ventilated. The temperature during the day is not too high. And not receiving direct sunlight But if you want to raise a small business As an extra income in the home, it is not difficult. Just collect all the equipment in one corner in order to work and take care easily. container for betta fish Important is the location of the banquet area. Should be near the water source that is convenient to find the mites that are used to feed the larvae Because it is a food source that needs to be used throughout the year. In the case of raising in bottles Should make shelves and space saving But if there is enough space, can be placed directly on the cement floor This method helps to change water easily and stop more time. Because it can pour water or let overflow immediately Some of you may modify the car to be a fish house. Or make a canopy on the side of the house to increase the area of culture. Tip In case of using tap water Should stay in the water until the smell of chlorine disappears May use an oxygen pump to increase the quality of the water May add a little salt to adjust the water condition. Rate 1 handful per 20 liters of water. Betta fish farming does not require a good fish tank or a large cement tank that requires both labor and money like other beautiful fish farming. But can bring waste materials or have cheap prices around in everyday life to be adapted to meet the objectives. Must be a material that can store water well Not only easy to leak or break. For breeding and nursery The container should be large. The water capacity is sufficient, lightweight and has a wide cross-section to allow the water to touch the air as much as possible, such as foam crates, plastic boxes, enamelware, plastic cups. In raising fish to bite the adult If there is a small amount, use a small glass cabinet made for raising a particular fish or a square jar made of glass. Because it is easy to clean and looks beautiful But if fed a lot The shepherd uses a glass bottle or a flat bottle because it is cheap, easy to find by cutting the bottle to fit the water level. And keep adding water to overflow from the crack, cutting time to change the water Will save a lot of time and labor Or bring a plastic bottle to cut in half and put water in a line together to reduce the cost of buying a container in another way.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
Betta fish dropsy Is a disease characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity caused by a malfunction of the water and mineral balance system and circulatory system It consists of gills, liver, kidneys and heart. Betta fish Dropsy or Ascites Siamese fighting fish Mara or ascites Or a disease that causes the fish to have a bloated belly, like a belly that explodes And is nearing death Which is a disease that many people have already met for this disease And some people may still not know what the disease actually is and how to treat it Let’s see. This disease comes from the virus. The fish that have stomach diseases, the devil scales, will point up. The abdomen is swollen due to fluid inside the abdomen. And the fish will not eat Most of these diseases are found in betta fish. Because the party gives too much food to make the fish bloating The fish cannot digest food. Caused by infectious disease or parasitic disease Non-infectious diseases such as tumors, cyst disease, hereditary disease Degenerative diseases, etc., which affect the organs mentioned above. Scabies, or Dropsy, are often found in susceptible bettas. low immunity Infections in the bloodstream, such as Aeromonas sp. The most common symptoms are dropsy, blistering scales, redness, and bulging eyes on both sides. The cause of the disease is due to poor water quality. (high ammonia and nitrate not enough oxygen improper temperature) food is not clean too densely fed fish As a result, the betta has stress and weakens the immune system. easily infected with bacteria. How to treat betta fish dropsy Treatment We will use “good salt” properties of good salts, ie salt that has a concentration of salinity rather than salt. Looks like a white powder used to transfer stomach and relieve constipation in people And can be used in fish as well Can be purchased at traditional pharmacies For treatment Let us put the salt well into the container that the fish is about 1 tablespoon. Then observe the symptoms of the fish. After some time If the fish excrete And the stomach is not swollen, indicating that the fish has recovered from this disease However, the results depend on the length of time that the fish starts to get sick and the use of salt. Keeping it simple, don’t let your fish become this disease for too long. Until unable to recover the life of the fish.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
Habit of betta fish Betta fish, although they are highly fighters and may appear fierce, But all of them do it to protect their own territory. For own safety But that’s not really the Habit of betta fish. Betta is an aggressive fish with the betta fish. But not fierce with other fish species Female has a peaceful habit. Can be put together more than one. The fierce male must be should be separately. In normal conditions, swimming with a normal posture Fins wrapped like regular fish But as soon as he saw the same betta fish Go to dance around And find an immediate attack on the opponent Habit of betta fish The personality traits of each fighting fish are really different. If you are someone who has raised many bettas, you will know this. Some bettas have playful personalities. Some of them have lazy habits. Some have a curious nature. Swim around and observe every spot in the fish aquarium tank. All of which may affect the entire siamese fighting fish. But let’s talk about betta fish that have lazy habits. A big problem that can lead to other diseases. betta with a lazy personality From observing more than 10,000 lives from the Nice Betta Thailand farm. It is clear that more than 80% of these types of fighting fish have other diseases and are more easily sick than fighting fish with other habits. Both in terms of a digestive system that doesn’t work well enough, resulting in Dropsy or other illnesses that shouldn’t happen. The current solution we use is to add a mirror so that the fish can see their own reflection. Let him move his body. Extend his tail fins to give him some exercise. This is a good method that can be used with fish with other temperaments as well. In addition to making the fish healthy It also helps make the straight tail fin even more strong.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
A truly champions rare betta fish for sale When it comes to Best quality betta fish, there’s no better place to find championship quality than Thailand. And when it comes to finding the very best Betta fish breeders in Thailand, we’ve got you covered. Our selection of Rare Betta Fish for sale comes from our farm with legendary breeders more than 20 years experiens in the country, including those who have bred championship-winning fish. Each one is handpicked for its superior quality, stunning colors, and exquisite patterns. Nice Betta Thailand the original betta farm over 20 years Rare betta fish are one of unique betta different from other and beautiful and vibrant variety of betta fish known for their unique and new colors. These fish are native to Southeast Asia (Thailand) and are often kept as pets due to their relatively easy care requirements and beautiful appearance. Rare betta fish not easy to find. Nice Betta Thailand almost find from more than 2000-3000 jar for find some rare betta fish. They also have long, flowing fins that can vary in size and shape depending on the specific variety. Rare betta fish are generally peaceful and can be kept in a community tank with other non-aggressive fish, as long as they have enough space to swim and hide. However, it’s important to remember that betta fish are territorial and may become aggressive towards other male betta fish, so it’s best to keep them in a single-species tank or with other non-aggressive fish. If you’re looking to add a pop of color and vibrancy to your aquarium, a rare betta fish might be the perfect choice. Just make sure to research their care requirements and make sure you have the necessary equipment and supplies before bringing one home.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
First avatar betta fish color in the world Return to shake the Siamese fighting fish industry once again with a big breakthrough in the color Dark Blue colors Betta fish Avatar or Blue Black Avatar that many of you probably already know. With unique characteristics and characteristics Shine in the dark Shiny green The shiny black and silver contrasts with the black, which attracts the eyes of the Betta lover. It is also considered a very difficult to have betta fish for the half moon tail for this color and has a very high hammer price in this era 2020. How did the betta fish Dark Blue Avatar or Blue Black Star occur? Is the most hilarious question that has been asked often Many people think that Betta fish breeder Nice Betta Thailand is the first success, but the truth is not. The avatar color was started by Somkiat Intamu, our Breeder professor, who invented and achieved this color. Which was inspired by documentary the image of the stars Blue, Green, Black Cut from Nebula Then came up with the idea of creating this kind of fish color for many years to succeed, but he was not the one who named the fish. Many of you may have a question in your mind. Who would you name Avatar? It is obvious that our customers created this name because many people compared this color fish with the famous movie Avatar, resulting in a popular phrase called Blue Black Avatar or Dark Blue Avatar. How has this fighting fish originated? Blue betta fish Avatar or Dark Avatar betta , based on bloodline, is the Blue / Green Peacock fish. Breeders have chosen to use Peacock, a fish that has stripped green cut black scales in Inbreed 2 generations, resulting in a black light. When the breeder gets the black light fish, he must also select this color to breeding again in order to stay stable and firm. Breeder will bring this color fish by selecting fish with fins on the top, bottom fins as well as the Balance tail. Breed with the Black Candy itself. At this point, many of you are wondering what Black Candy is and how it came. Black Candy is the color fish Candy or Nemo that are Inbreed by choosing a fish that has a dark body. Inbreed 2-3 Generation to create a strong dark blood in the blood. Black Candy is the color fish Candy or Nemo that are Inbreed by choosing a fish that has a dark body. Inbreed 2-3 Generation to create a strong dark blood in the blood. After that I will use Black Candy breeding with Black Light, resulting in the color of Black Black Avatar or Dark Blue Avatar betta fish.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
History and biology of the Red Betta Fish If talking about Red betta fish everyone probably knows what it is because they easy buy it. They are easy to find and available anywhere, even at your local aquarium store or betta fish shop online. But did you know that red fighting fish have an extraordinary history and very interesting? Let’s see History of the red betta fish Must return to the past The red betta fish originated from a wild betta fish called Plakad Pak Klang or (Betta Splendens). This wild fighting fish species received international recognition and was declared the world’s first betta’s in 1910. By British scientist Charles Tate Regan, it has a distinctive feature: Cheeks are streaked with red. There are scattered green-blue scales. Can be found from the northern region of Thailand down towards Bangkok. But people in that era did not have the popularity of breeding betta fish. It all depends on catching bettas from the swamp or lagune. In order to bring strength to fight each other or for gambling and entertainment purposes only Until the passage of 80 years until 1992, Thai farmers began to breed betta’s during this period, beginning with the use of wild betta, Betta splendens, to breed and develop in the early days. until becoming a wild betta fish that has a reddish appearance And the body that used to be completely black began to fade into brown. And some have more red on their bodies. While the tail fin is already a clear dark red. But it can be considered that it is not yet a very clear red color because if you look at the picture, you will see that it is quite different from the current red betta fish.
Nice Betta Thailand.CO.,LTD
Copper betta fish Copper Betta fish It is a beautiful betta that has been popular for a long time and is getting more and more popular. both in Thailand and abroad From the past to the present, it can be called Copper bettas never go out of style. What are Copper betta? Copper betta which is a transliteration of the word “Copper”, which means copper color, that is, copper betta. It is a beautiful betta fish that has a special appearance that the scales are shiny. Scales have a colored coating on the body. originally started from Copper coating But nowadays it has developed into many more colors such as Red Copper Betta (Red) Red Copper, Black Copper Betta (Black Copper), Yellow Copper Betta (Yellow) or Betta. Copper, Gold, Copper, Fancy Copper, Marble Copper etc. In short, copper betta is a beautiful betta that has various colored glaze scales. History of Copper betta fish Copper siamese fighting fish It is a color that occurs since 1999, when Thai breeders import in a lot of Halfmoon betta horns from the USA. One of them that has been developed for Copper is Half-moon Turquoise.
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From the past until today The dragon fighting fish has been developed continuously. As a result of the traditional Red Dragon, many colors have been developed. Whether it is an Orange Dragon Yellow Dragon, Black Dragon, Gold Dragon, Fancy Dragon, has been developed into many forms. Whether it’s Half Moon, Full Moon, Crowntail and Giant betta fish History of samurai betta fish Guidelines for the development of siamese fighting fish dragon from the past to the present In addition to improving the form well In terms of color, it will focus on developing the scales to have a shiny silver color. Coating both body and head There is a clear contrast between the fin and the body color (Bi-Color) and try to remove the unwanted color or lace from the fin surface as much as possible. It looks like the current development of dragon betta fish. It will focus on making the “original” existing to meet market standards. Or Betta competition standard Along with developing the species to be still Make each breeding a lot of good fish. That development would have stopped in place. If in the past two years no betta had been born to create a buzz in the industry “Samurai fighting fish” is the fish we are going to talk about here. Masterpieces of betta come this moment Many masterpieces in the world It arose because of “accidental”. Beautiful betta fish are also the same. Many of the colors of fish that are popular today are caused by coincidence. Or what the term in the betta fish industry is called “mutation” or “loose” before being applied by the breeder to add, add, develop according to your imagination. For more than 10 years, beautiful betta circles have been known for their bodies coated with white gold sparkling scales. Also known as “Dragon”, which was bred for the first time in the world in 2004 by Khun Te Piboonchai Chuan Chuen of Yaowaluck Farm, part named “Dragon. Nod “was first dubbed by Mr. Pichet Plaisanguang or Ton Interfish, and a year later he made his debut at Aquarama 2005, a key destination in the wake of the Pachad trend. Dragon in the industry in the international betta world. Samurai betta fish are considered to be betta fishes. Happened by chance Or mutations from the repeated breeding of the Black Dragon over many generations Until obtaining a distinctive fish that is There is an imperfect scale coating. Or the scales are not covered with both the head and body like a typical dragon fish However, this imperfect coating creates a perfect pattern, for example, there is a flake coating on the face. And open up other areas of the body Make it look like a mask Or there is a coating only on the upper part of the body along the entire length The lower part is open for example. Why Samurai betta fish? What does this name mean? Or has it come from? It is believed that it is a question that many people want to know. A samurai betta is a replica of a “samurai” warrior in graceful armor with lustrous scales. Which is unique and important as mentioned in the above The name was created by Mr. Ton Interfish, who led the first samurai fighting fish to be released to the public. The magic of betta fish in the dragon group Or varnished betta fish is a gene (Metallic Geno) that is hidden in the bloodline, with the behavior similar to the function of the marble gene or the spotted gene. But there will be color development in contrast to the normal marble. Naturally, the marble genes normally produce a clear or opaque color, but the dotted dragon genes have a different color. Will give out the color in a blemish tone Or burning sugar instead And can pass these characteristics to the child version.
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Coming now special betta fish promotion Every order more than 100 USD will receive special gift premium betta fish The best of premium quaity betta fish in the wolrd gurantee from the biggest competiton Aquarama and many other contest with IBC Standard and Thailand Standard
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History of betta fish Betta fish is a beautiful fish that everyone is well known. But anyone know abot history of betta fish? Which comes from the scientific name of this fish is ” Betta splendens ” And also known as ” Siamese Fighting Fish ” Or fighting fish from Thailand. Previously, the betta is a fish that lives in all parts of Thailand. We call these natural bite fish that are “fish bite”. They have short tails and long body. But no one knows for sure how long the betta farming in Thailand has started. It is believed that Thai people are known to feed the original species of fish that are spooned from swamps in the fields to be used as a children’s play and folk sports games. biography of betta From the words of an old-fashioned betta gangster It is said that in the past, Thais preferred to catch fish before competing before releasing. And just turned to the development of the fish bite together around. In 1890, starting with the observation that The fish caught up will bite better than the newly caught oneself. In 1953, they began to search for special bite fish to mix together. The newly caught wild fish Fry from the mixture is called ” Plasang kasee ” It is expected that the name is derived from the appearance of thick skin, durable when bitten, it is difficult to wound. In that era, zinc betta fish were sturdy fish. If one is bitten and is patient, he can be selected as a father-mother. And picking out fish that have distinctive characteristics, cultivating to the larger body and more resistant to the next generation, which is called ” Plakadmor ” History of betta fish plakad After that, there was a developer of long-tailed betta fish to feed, look beautiful and play in the jar. The traditional long-tailed betta fish is ” Veitail ” But not popular to bite Because it has less water and is easy to find Thai people know the short tail fish on behalf of ” Plakad mor ” and know long tail of ” Veitail ” For a long time until people tried to cultivate other types of betta fish that were strange and different from many other things, such as the crown-shaped betta fish known as ” Crowtail ” and ” Half moon ” With a curved tail like a crescent moon until ” Dumbo ” It can be said that the purpose of raising the fish is to change according to the customs and the state. Originally focused on raising a sport game by bringing two fish to bite each other to find the only winner. Became a party to see more colors and styles But regardless of how long it will change Betta fish farming still creates entertainment and stress for the owner as well.
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Which best food for betta fish? Betta fish is a carnivorous fish If in nature, they will eat larvae of water insects and small organisms as food. But when fed, the food was changed to make the fish eat more easily. There are 2 types of food for fish farming: fresh food and ready-to-eat food. If fed for beauty, use any food But if raising for trade Fresh food is very necessary. It will help the fish grow faster and have more fresh colors than ready-made food. 1. Finished grain food for betta fish Is a dry food that has been processed with both sheet and granular form Can be purchased in general food stores and supermarkets There are many brands to choose from. Easy to use because it can be stored for a long time but the price is high. 2. Fresh food is a very important food for the first larvae to hatch. If lacking this type of food, larvae are usually stunted and unhealthy. Most of the fish feeders prefer spoonfuls of water and larvae from early morning water sources and then wash them with clean water several times until they are confident that there are no contaminants that may be harmful to fish And looking for day-to-day Therefore is a rather tricky food if the spoon is kept for a long time The larvae of those insects will hatch into adults. For fresh food that is very popular, including
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Herbs for betta fish Herbs for betta fish and tip to use. Terminalia catappa Is a large tree that is common in Thailand Thai people, we know and bring the Malabar leaves to use to bite fish since ancient times. Betta breeders to compete as a sports game Popular culture of fish in the Indian almond leaf fermentation Because it is believed that it makes the scales strong According to studies, it has been found that The dried Indian almond leaves are rich in Tannin (Tannin) which has the effect of inhibiting bacteria in the water And adjust the water condition to be weak acid Suitable for breeding or breeding of betta fish very much. Some people may use dried banana leaves instead of Malabar leaves. Which has a tannin substance that helps inhibit bacteria as well. There are many ways to use almond leaves or banana leaves in raising fish. But the most convenient and clean way is There are 2 ways to make almond leaves water.
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How to breed betta fish for the desired color
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The most expensive betta fish in the world.
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Betta splendens complex of Thailand
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What is half sun betta fish
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Pet market
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History of betta fish
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Various organs of betta fish
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Good container for betta fish
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Betta splendens complex of Thailand
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Amazing Costume Siamese fighting fish Miss Universe national competition
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