How To Make A Divided Tank For Betta Fish

How To Make A Divided Tank For Betta Fish
There are numerous ways to make divided tanks for betta fish, and if you want to keep more than one betta in the same tank, then a tan divider isn’t just a nice idea, it is a necessity.

Divided Tank for betta fish
Most glaziers will cut glass to size for you. You can then silicone the glass inside your tank for betta fish. This is a good, permanent solution. If you aren’t going to filter each part of the tank separately, make sure that you leave a small gap at the bottom of the glass. It should be a large enough gap that your fish cannot swim under it, but enough to allow the water to flow through it. If you are planning to put substrate like gravel or sand in the bottom of the tank, then you will have to either filter each part separately, or come up with another filtration method that works. Cutting up an undergravel filter and fitting it to each part with separate uptakes may work, or using several small sponge filters attached to an air pump with multiple outlets may also work.