Choosing betta fish tank
Choosing a betta fish Tank. Good tank is important for fish life and grooming fish. Normally all betta fish type grooming not same tank size.
How Big a Tank Do Bettas Need?
It is a common myth that betta fish thrive in small amounts of water. Some people even say that they prefer to be in a tiny bowl. Often you’ll hear; Bettas naturally live in rice paddies the size of puddles. It’s common for them to live in less then an inch of water.
While it is true that bettas in the wild live in rice paddies in Thailand and other parts of Asia, the perception of this habitat is grossly underrated. While these rice paddies may dry up to just a few inches deep they are part of an overall very large body of water that consists of a complete ecosystem. It takes a good amount of work to recreate an ecosystem in a tank and its never as good as nature intended.
Remember too, that the siamese fighting fish or bettas we keep in our homes come from generations of domestic stock and are very different from their wild cousins. The next time you hear that bettas should be kept in a small bowl, know that it is simply not true. The smallest acceptable tank size for Betta splendens is one gallon (3.8 liters) and this minimum is not recommended. About 2.5 gal (9.5 liters) and up is much better for your fish.